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Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

How is the movie The Batman?

How is the movie The Batman?

Robert Pattinson plays Batman
Batman, the world’s most famous superhero character, is back on the big screen once again and everyone is asking how Robert Pattinson stayed in this role.

But the real question is, to what extent did The Batman become a good Batman film?

So the best of both is really the best.

Matt Reeves directed and wrote the story (along with Peter Gregg), who is also known for directing the last two Planet of the Apes films.

The Batman is actually a story based on the essence of the character, the same Batman that was imagined by writer Frank Miller, while the photography was done by David Mazucheli on the comic book Batman: Air One, which won several awards and more. Set the tone of the stories.

The story of this new film is actually Air Two with minor changes.

The director handles the death scenes of Bruce Wayne’s parents in the best way possible, after which he discovers a cave full of bats and is inspired by the idea of ​​living as a Dark Knight in Gotham City. ۔

When the film begins, we see that Batman, as a peacemaker, has an impact on average criminals.

A man in a niqab spreads terror among criminals in the streets.

When Batman defeats petty criminals, the director introduces another masked bodyguard, The Ridler (actor Paul Dano), to clean up his crime campaign against corrupt high-ranking officials. Sharia

The clean-up operation begins with the mayor of Gotham City and extends to the city’s notorious criminal, Carmen Falcon (John Torturo).

Carmen Falcon is a familiar face to comic book readers, one of Batman’s early rivals, and he had a pleasant surprise in the film.

The story then introduces Selena Kyle (Zoe Krautz) and Oswald Koblipot aka The Penguin (Colin Furl).

Batman in this movie is a bit different from other movies. When Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) summons him to the scene via Bat Signal, instead of coming there in his famous style, he walks into the room behind Gordon, where He is stopped by a police officer.

In this film, Gordon is a lieutenant instead of a police commissioner and we are told that he likes to work with Batman.

But the Dark Knight’s involvement is necessary because The Riddle traces Batman.

The Batman is probably the first film of this hero in which the detective has actually had to do some reconnaissance in which he was assisted by his butler Alfred (Andy Sacrace).

The film manages to entertain as well as inform, but the ending is inspired by the story of No Man’s Land, which shakes Gotham. Influenced the story).

The story and screenplay of the film is well written.

Matt Reeves’ film is deliberately different from previous Batman films.

The film’s background score, cinematic photography and production design are different from other films. Similarly, compared to other superhero movies, The Batman has less action sequences which may be a mistake for some viewers.

The film will feature two series on HBO Max (one on Gotham City Police Department and the other on The Penguin) and 2 sequels.

This Batman-specific film will differ from Universe Zack Snyder’s DCU films, which is a breath of fresh air for DC and Warner Bros.

The film is released by Warner Bros. and is PG13 rated.