Class 12 English Lesson No. 20 King Lear
Lear, king of Britain, hod three daughters; Gonerill, wife to the duke of Albany; Regan, wife to the duke of Cornwall; and Cordelia, a young maid, for whose love the king of Fronce and duke of Burgundy were joint suitors, and were al this lime making slay for that purpose in the court of Lear. The old king, worn out with age and the fatigues of government, he being more than fourscore years old, determined to toke no further port in stole affairs, but to leave the management to younger strengths, that he might hove time to prepare for death, which must at no long period ensue. With this intent he called his three daughters to him, to know from their own lips which of them loved him best, that he might port his kingdom among them in such proportions
as their affection for him should seem to deserve.
Second Year English, Lesson No. 19 The Merchant of Venice
Shylock. the Jew lived at Venice he was a usurer, who hod amassed on immense fortune by lending money at great interest to Christion merchants. Shylock, being a hard-hearted man, exacted the payment of the money he lent with such severity that he was much disliked by al good men, and particularly by Anthonio. Young merchant of Venice.
2nd Year English, Lesson No. 18 Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara
Once upon a time, son,
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
while their ice-block cold eyes
search behind my shadow.
Class 12 English, Lesson No. 17 The Renaissance by Grace Ciavvella and Angelo Calandra
The Renaissance period was a rebirth of the human desire to explore and to learn more about the world and what could be achieved. Its roots lay in the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome. From these roots grew the ideas _which challenged the thinking of the times and which branched off into inquiry into all aspects of the human world. This challenge to old ideas brought enormous change. The fruits of this inquiry and experimentation set the scene for our modern world .
Class 12 English, Lesson No. 16 Archaeological Treasures of Pakistan
The archaeological treasures of Pakistan ore not only rich and varied, but some of these ore highly important to the history of civilization. As sometimes happens, valuable monuments and remains hove suffered from neglect or vandalism, but in recent years there hod been a rising interest in the subject and valuable work is ‘ steadily going on.
Class 12 English, Unit-7 Tales From Shakespeare
This unit contains TWO readings
1. The merchant of venice
2. King lear
Pre Reading:
The Merchant of Venice:
This ploy is about a stone-hearted and merciless Jew, Shylock who lived in Venice He was a money-lender and lent money to Christion merchants on high interest rotes Anthonio was a rich and noble Christion merchant who lent money to the needy without interest. There was on enmity between Shylock, the Jew and Anlhonio What pion Shylock mode to toke revenge upon Anlhonio and how was he humiliated? We shall read about it in the play
King Lear:
This ploy is about the old king of Britain, named King Lear. He decided to distribute his dominion among his three daughters. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia according to the degree of their love for him Cordelia was disinherited because she was innocent and did not know flattery, she could not use oily tongue to flatter her father. In the lost days of the king ii was Cordelia who took core of him
Class 12 English, Unit 6 Cultural Heritage, The Past and the Present
This Unit contains THREE readings.
1. Archaeological treasures of Pakistan {Essay)
2. Renaissance {Essay)
3. Once upon a lime (Poem)
Pre Reading:
Archaeological treasures of Pakistan:
Pakistan is rich in Archaeological treasures. Relics and ruins of the old civilizations and cultures hove been discovered in almost all the provinces of Pakistan. These ruins and relics reveal that the people of that period were very intelligent and civilized. From these ruins, we con easily understand what kind of ornaments their women wore and what kind of weapons, agricultural implements and tools they used.
The renaissance period was a rebirth of the human desire to explore and to learn more about the world. This desire awakened the dormant people. Their thinking was challenged by the wove of renaissance. Their quest for knowledge and exploration brought a change. Renaissance provided a base to the modern world.
Once upon o time:
The poet in this poem draws a comparison between the past and the present. People in the past were sincere and selfless. They had a great regard for one another. But the people of the present are selfish and insincere. They give a smile but their smile is without sincerity. The poet loves the people of the past.